Suburbs of Milimani in Kitengela

KShs 1,500,000


Real Estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away.

Our project is located in the leafy suburbs of Milimani in Kitengela along the Old Namanga Road is still up for grabs.

The plots are situated along the Old Namanga Road, at Kitengela International School, only 1.5KM off the tarmac.

On offer are fully serviced 1/8 acre plots measuring approximately 0.05Ha, large enough for a modern home.

The project has a gated community set up and comprises 141 plots, 90% of which are currently sold out and we have just a few units remaining suitable for residential development.

For more details, reach out to us and we will get back to you with a scheduled site visit.


  • Price:
    KShs 1,500,000
  • Property Status:

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