2 Bedroom Apartment All Ensuite in Enkasaara, Kilimani



Looking to Buy, Sell, Invest, Lease, Valuate, or Survey Properties? Great! Let’s get connected today here at Vemash Investments. It’s business as usual over here! Let’s talk real estate, let’s chat on Whatsapp at +254720878754

This 2 bedroom apartment all ensuite in Enkasaara at the heart of Kilimani near Yaya Center, is looking for a new Owner.

Features include:

  • Open plan kitchen fitted with cabinets
  • Large windows for natural lighting
  • Spacious living and dining areas
  • Visitors cloakroom

Amenities include:

  • Swimming pool
  • Pool terrace
  • Common area generator
  • Borehole water
  • Tasteful decor with quality craftsmanship

Are you curious to know why these apartments are weirdly ‘Sold Out’? Well, we have just one word for you, ‘Affordability’.

Contact us via email at info@vemashinvestments.com or call 0720 87 87 54 for a guided tour of the apartment and also pricing details.

Are you still in your critical path to achieve your goal? Always remember, that extra push is what makes the difference. You could be coming home to this!

You can also make site visit reservations via this link.

‘Vemash delivers,’ and we offer ‘Distinctive Value for Money’.



  • Borehole Water
  • Common Area Generator
  • Pool Terrace
  • Swimming Pool
  • Tasteful Decor

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